Hip Resurfacing

This is a surgical procedure that has come on leaps and bounds over the past 10-12 years. It is quite different from a classic hip replacement in the fact that it is a relatively bone sparing procedure. The original head of the femur is retained but is chamfered to accept a metal shell. The socket itself is again metal and therefore the hip resurfacing is a metal on metal bearing surface.

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

Stemmed Metal on Metal Resurfacing

Stemmed Metal on Metal Resurfacing

After hip resurfacing, patients are generally able to continue with their sporting activities such as tennis, skiing and running. At the Orion Clinic the prosthesis used is the Birmingham hip replacement which has the longest follow up and in a recently published paper 95% were still functional at the 5 year point.

Contact Us Directly

Sarah Morris, Secretary to Mr Pimpalnerkar

Call us

07731138900 or 0121 4247658
Weekdays 4pm to 7pm, Saturday 8am to 3pm