I retired from teaching about 6 years ago and took up coaching both boys and girls cricket at the Warwickshire Youth Cricket and the Warwickshire Cricket Board Clubs. My knees had been affecting me for quite some time but over the last 2-3 years had been affecting me significantly with regards to my sporting abilities. I underwent bilateral total knee replacement surgery, the right knee initially being done in November of 2007. After a 6 day stint in Hospital with excellent physiotherapy I was able to go home on crutches. Within a few days I was able to dispense with these and was walking unaided within a week of having left hospital. I underwent a left total knee replacement in January 2008 and have had similar progress with regards to my rehabilitation. I have already got confidence in the procedure to book coaching sessions and nets for myself in late February. I hope to be playing again in the 2008 season and I am confident that my coaching, especially demonstrations, will be back to the level that I had when I passed my coaching examinations.