Consultant Surgeon - Mr Ashvin Pimpalnerkar

MBBS, FRCS (Glasgow), FRCS (Orth), MCh (Orth), DNB (Orth), MS (Orth), MSc (Trauma)

Mr Pimpalnerkar trained at the University of Poona in India and qualified in 1988. Having obtained distinctions in microbiology and surgery he commenced his 3 year residency in Trauma & Orthopaedics and obtained the MS (Orth) and DNB (Orth) degrees in 1992 and 1993 respectively. He commenced his Orthopaedic training in the UK in 1994 and was a Specialist Orthopaedic Trainee under the West Midlands as well as the Defence Deaneries. During his training he obtained an MSc in Trauma from the University of Birmingham in 1997 and the prestigious MCh (Orth) degree from the University of Liverpool in 1998. Having successfully passed the FRCS (Orth) exam in 1999 he became a fully accredited Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedics in 2003.

Ashvin With Mr and Mrs Bowdler

In addition to his general orthopaedic experience and having developed a specialist interest in shoulder, knee and sports surgery he completed two advanced surgical fellowships, the first at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital and the second at the University of Calgary in Canada. While in Canada he was part of the medical team working for the Calgary Flames a professional NHL Team as well as for the Dinos, the Calgary Varsity football team. While abroad he also spent time at the Sports Centre at the Naval Medical Centre, Balboa in San Diego as well as the Peter Fowler Kennedy Sports Injury Clinic in London, Ontario.

Mr Pimpalnerkar holds an NHS Consultant post at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine as well as the Heart of England Foundation Trust in Birmingham. He works privately at the Spire Hospital in Little Aston, The Sutton Medical Consulting Clinic, The Birmingham BMI Hospital as well as the Spire Parkway Hospital in Solihull.

Ashvin With the British Winter Olympic Team in 2002, Calgary, Canada
Ashvin With the British Winter Olympic Team in 2002, Calgary, Canada
Ashvin With the Calgary Flames

Mr Pimpalnerkar is fully trained in all surgical techniques dealing with shoulder and knee problems as well as hip resurfacing and sports surgery including the latest minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques and navigationally assisted (robotic) knee surgery. He is well recognised at a local, national and international level having published and presented on numerous occasions. He runs the in house teaching programme for Trauma & Orthopaedics at the Heart of England Foundation Trust and contributes to the Birmingham Medical School teaching programme.

Ashvin Pimpalnerkar was a serving member of Her Majesty's Forces and held the rank of Surgeon Commander in the Royal Navy. He has been deployed on a number of peacekeeping missions as well as in times of conflict and also specialises in trauma and battle injuries surgery.

Mr Pimpalnerkar has also been appointed Honorary Club Surgeon to the Walsall Football Club, Birmingham City Football Club, and was previously a club surgeon to West Bromwich Albion Football Club.

He is currently a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Good Hope Hospital and Heart of England Foundation Trust with specialist interests in knee, shoulder and sports surgery. He is also the program director for orthopaedic training at Good Hope Hospital. His research interests include "stem cell" surgery, cartilage grafting, and minimally invasive surgery (MIS) of the knee shoulder and hip and computer assisted robotic joint replacement surgery, He is widely published, and is currently on the UK panel for CAOS (UK) and lectures internationally on cartilage grafting and sports surgery.

  • Visiting Lecturer, Foisor institute of orthopaedic, Bucharest Romania
  • National appraiser for shoulder and knee arthroscopy for Romania
  • International faculty member ICRS UK
  • Honorary Club Surgeon West Bromwich Albion Football Club 2009-2010 and 2010-2011
  • Honorary Club Surgeon Birmingham City Football Club
  • Honorary Club Surgeon Walsall Football Club
  • Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Heart of England Foundation Trust
  • National Committee and Treasurer CAOS UK

Outside medicine he enjoys painting, golf, squash, wildlife and scuba diving.

Contact Us Directly

Sarah Morris, Secretary to Mr Pimpalnerkar

Call us

07731138900 or 0121 4247658
Weekdays 4pm to 7pm, Saturday 8am to 3pm