The Role of Kanamycin Beads in the management of chronic osteomyelitis Pimpalnerkar A.L. Risbud Y.W., Jog V.P., Medical Journal of Western India, Vol. 20 : 72 - 75 (1992).
Post Traumatic Meralgia Paraesthetica. A Case Report Pimpalnerkar A.L., Joshipura J.C.N., Naik S.N., The Jaslok Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 2: 13-15 (1993)
Antibiotic drug depots - A Study of 23 Cases of Chronic Osteomyelitis Pimpalnerkar A.L., Jog V.P., Risbud Y.W., The Jaslok Bulletin, Vol. 18 No. 3: 7-11 ( 1994)
Maffucci's syndrome with chondrosarcoma of the hand. Pimpalnerkar A.L., Hospital Update, 22; 7: 309(July 1996).
Isolated fracture of the trapezium. An easily missed injury.
Inston. N., Pimpalnerkar. A.L., Arafa.M.A.M.
Injury; Vol 28, No. 7: 485 - 488. (1997)
Carpo-metacarpal dislocation producing transient neurapraxia of the ulnar nerve
Pimpalnerkar A.L., Fakih R., Thomas A.P.
Injury ; Vol 28, No. 5-6: 397-400 (1997).
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the elbow
Pimpalnerkar A.L. and T.F.Sibly.
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 7: 71 - 5 (1998).
Hamate fracture with dislocation of the ring and little metacarpals.
Fakih. R., Fraser A.M., Pimpalnerkar A.L
Journal of Hand Surgery; 23B: 1:96 - 97 (1998)
Kohler's disease of the navicular.
Pimpalnerkar A.L., 'Update', 56; No 6: 540 (1998)
Type 4 fracture of the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Pimpalnerkar A.L., Balasubramaniam G., Young S., Read L.,
Injury ; vol 29, No. 10: 751 - 56 (1998).
Pain in the wrist - Kienbock's disease.
Shyamsundar S & Pimpalnerkar A.L.,
Br Postgraduate Med Journal, 76; 897: 433 (1999)
Stress-induced osteolysis of the clavicle.
Shyamsundar S & Pimpalnerkar A.L.,
Br Postgrad Med Journal, 76; 898: 514 (2000)
Prevention of neurological injury after type IV medial epicondyle fractures.
Delves GH., Pimpalnerkar AL., Read L., Spalding T.
J Bone Joint Surg (Br); 82-B: 265 (2000)
The treatment of resistant unicameral bone cysts using autogenic bone marrow injections.
Pimpalnerkar AL., Read L., Fiddian NJ
J Bone Joint Surg (Br); 82-B: 265 (2000)
Bilateral stress fractures of the second metatarsals.
Br Postgraduate Med Journal , 76; 902: 799 (2000)
The osteochondral grafting technique for isolated cartilage defects of the knee.
Pimpalnerkar., Myers G., Van Dellen D., Green M & Learmonth DJ
Accepted by the J Bone Joint Surg (Br); 84-B supp 2: 168 (2002)
Debridement arthroplasty for osteoarthritis of the elbow.
Pimpalnerkar A.L., Sloan R & Thomas AMC.,
Accepted by the J Bone Joint Surg (Br); 84-B supp 2: 171 (2002)
Single Bundle ACL Reconstruction in 67 athletes with partial ruptures. Accepted by Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (Br) 2004
Bilateral Stress fractures of the metatarsals.
Shyamsundar S & Pimpalnerkar AL
Postgrad Med Journal, 76 (902): 799 (2000)
An unusual complication of Kocher's manoeuvre
Pimpalnerkar AL., Datta A., Longhino., Mohtadi N
BMJ, 329(7480): 1472-3 (2004)
Snapping Knee: an unusual biceps femoris tendon injury
Bansal R., Taylor C., Pimpalnerkar AL
Knee, 12(6): 458-60 (2005)
Suprascapular neuropathy in volleyball players
Dramis A., Pimpalnerkar AL
Acta Orthop Belgica, 71(3):269-72 (2005)
Surgical repair of complete proximal hamstring tendon ruptures.
Chakravarthy J., Ramisetty N., Pimpalnerkar AL., Mohtadi N
Br J of Sports Med, 39(8): 569-72 (2005)
Acute distal biceps tendon rupture: A new surgical technique using a de-tensioning suture to brachialis
Taylor CJ., Bansal R., Pimpalnerkar AL
Injury 2006